
Design and development of immersive experiences

Experts in
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

+ 14 years

Since 2010, we’ve been creating immersive experiences.

+ 300 projects

Innovating with virtual and augmented reality in various sectors.

+ 30 professionals

A multidisciplinary team of creatives and developers.

International presence

We have worked with partners in different countries such as Germany, Australia, the United States, and Chile.


We design and develop immersive digital experiences focused on the needs and objectives of our clients



Virtual Reality

We recreate interactive three-dimensional environments where the user is immersed through the use of VR headsets/viewers

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Augmented reality at everyone's reach. Through SparkAR we create experiences, games, and product demos for Instagram and Facebook

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Mobile Apps

We develop digital tools focused on mobile devices

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We create immersive experiences where users can interact with other users remotely within a 3D environment.

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Augmented Reality

We complement reality with digital elements that are visualized through the camera of mobile devices

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3D Web Experiences

We create websites with interactive 3D content to visualize products, architectural spaces, video games, training, and much more

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Hardware leasing and sales

Quote with us the VR/AR equipment you need. We have the experience to recommend and bring you the latest in technology

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in which we generate impact

Marketing and Advertising

Create new experiences to interact with your brand: complement your printed media or generate stories with filters on social networks

I want to know more


Show your products in 3D and allow your users to see them in their space in augmented reality

I want to know more

Art and Culture

Bring art to the user's environment or complement your cultural experiences with digital elements that surprise

Training and Education

Improve the learning process with virtual training and gamification that have an impact on your staff

Architecture and Construction

Showcase your project on a real scale with interactive tours in Virtual Reality or show its model in Augmented Reality.


Take students to live immersive educational experiences, improving their learning

Some of the brands
that have trusted us

Some of the brands that have trusted us

Some of the brands that have trusted us


We design and develop immersive digital experiences, focused on our clients’ needs and goals.

Augmented Reality
3D Web Experiences
Filters for instagram
Hardware leasing and sales
de hardware





where we make a mark

Some of the brands
that have trusted us

Some of the brands that have trusted us

Some of the brands that have trusted us

Case studies

Experiencias Inmersivas Farmacias Similares


Farmacias Similares

Espejo Inteligente AR Pond's Inmersys

AR Smart Mirror / Pond’s


Poryecto Ana Frank Museo de Memoria y Tolerancia Inmersys

Anne Frank

Museum of Memory and Tolerance

Filro AR José Cuervo

Xolo Edition

José Cuervo

Alcaldía GAM Proyecto Inmersys

Crime Prevention

GAM Municipality

Bic filtros inmersys

Lighters with AR


Who speaks about us

Contribute to society through AR and VR”

“Their virtual tours and immersive apps help increase sales”

Top 5 VR and AR companies in Mexico and Latin America

Do you have an idea to develop?

Why Inmersys?


We help our clients learn about technologies and how to implement them according to their needs

Follow up

We work closely with our client to deliver projects that meet their expectations


We work under the Scrum framework, which helps streamline the development process by promoting communication between both parties

Continuous Improvement

We are always working to improve our processes and offer better products

Do you want to know more about
Inmersive Technologies?


Contact us

Our mission is to help you carry out your idea by implementing the best technology according to your needs

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Similandia / Farmacias Similares

Dive into a world of experiences we’ve prepared for you. You’ll find everything from fun Virtual Reality games, skill games like Simi Memorama, and even a game to show off your best dance moves!
Augmented Reality murals, a hologram of Dr. Simi, and stunning video mapping.

Espejo Inteligente AR / Pond's

Transformando el cuidado de la piel.
Inmersys, Tramando, Ogilvy y Pond’s  se unieron por un objetivo: Mostrar de manera personalizada, dinámica y tecnológica como la nueva línea “Pond’s Skin Institute” renueva la apariencia de la piel.
A través del desarrollo de una aplicación de Realidad Aumentada + Inteligencia Artificial, integrada en un tótem ¡Logramos este objetivo!

AR Smart Mirror / Pond's

Transforming Skincare
Inmersys, Tramando, Ogilvy, and Pond’s came together with one goal: to showcase in a personalized, dynamic, and technological way how the new Pond’s Skin Institute line renews the skin’s appearance.
Through the development of an Augmented Reality + Artificial Intelligence application integrated into a totem, we achieved this goal!

AR Smart Mirror / Pond's

Transforming Skincare
Inmersys, Tramando, Ogilvy, and Pond’s came together with one goal: to showcase in a personalized, dynamic, and technological way how the new Pond’s Skin Institute line renews the skin’s appearance.
Through the development of an Augmented Reality + Artificial Intelligence application integrated into a totem, we achieved this goal!

Anne Frank / Museum of Memory and Tolerance

For the temporary exhibition “Ana Frank, Notas de Esperanza” at the Museum of Memory and Tolerance, we developed two unique Augmented Reality experiences that immerse you into the life and thoughts of this young girl.

Anne Frank / Museum of Memory and Tolerance

For the temporary exhibition “Ana Frank, Notas de Esperanza” at the Museum of Memory and Tolerance, we developed two unique Augmented Reality experiences that immerse you into the life and thoughts of this young girl.

Xolo Edition / José Cuervo

Dare to discover the Mictlán with José Cuervo? For the special “Xolo” edition of Cuervo Tradicional Tequila, we created a series of filters that will take you on an exciting journey. Scan the bottle label, dive into the adventure, and let your pet join this ancestral voyage. Overcome challenges, celebrate with friends, and cherish the memory of this incredible experience!

Edición Xolo - José Cuervo

Te atreves a descubrir el Mictlán con José Cuervo?Para la edición especial “Xolo” del Tequila Cuervo Tradicional, creamos una serie de filtros que te llevarán a una emocionante travesía. Escanea la etiqueta de la botella, sumérgete en la aventura y haz que tu mascota también sea parte de este viaje ancestral. ¡Supera los desafíos, celebra con amigos y guarda el recuerdo de esta increíble experiencia! 

Crime Prevention  / GAM Municipality

Together with the GAM Municipality, we have created an incredible Virtual Reality experience for the little ones.
Learn while playing:

The 5 safety rules to take care of themselves.How to react to risky situations.And all in an interactive and fun way!Because teaching safety can also be an adventure!

Crime Prevention  / GAM Municipality

Together with the GAM Municipality, we have created an incredible Virtual Reality experience for the little ones.
Learn while playing:

The 5 safety rules to take care of themselves.How to react to risky situations.And all in an interactive and fun way!Because teaching safety can also be an adventure!

Igniting Mexican Culture - Bic

Discover the magic behind the special collection of lighters, “Igniting Mexican Culture.” Through augmented reality, you can interact with the incredible designs that celebrate Mexico’s traditions and icons. Bring the characters to life, play with a trivia wheel, and share your results with your friends. Find them on Bic’s official Instagram account!

Encendiendo la Cultura Mexicana- Bic

Descubre la magia detrás de la colección especial de encendedores, “Encendiendo la Cultura Mexicana”.  A través de la realidad aumentada , podrás interactuar con los diseños increíbles que celebran las tradiciones e íconos de México. Dale vida a los personajes, juega con una ruleta de preguntas y respuestas, y comparte tus resultados con tus amigos.  ¡Encuéntralos en la cuenta oficial de Instagram de Bic!